CAMERON, S.C. — The Golden Kernel Pecan Company in Cameron, South Carolina, was founded in 1924. For 100 years, the family-owned business has become a household name in Orangeburg County for shelling locally grown pecans.
According to its owners, the company is recognized as the oldest pecan buyers and shellers in the Carolinas.
“People’s parents and grandparents would bake with pecans, make pecan pies, make candies, and I think that’s a great tradition for people to continue to do and therefore they want the freshest product they can get," said plant manager Jerry Fogle.
Fogle has taken over the third generation of the business for the past 28 years.
Their peak season is during the holidays. In fact, the company produced 150,000 pounds of pecans by Christmas this the holiday season.
A fresh batch of pecans comes in the first week of November. From there, the company begins shelling and bagging their crop.