1000 Southern Patio Pkwy
1000 Southern Patio Pkwy, Rowesville, SC, 29133Property Details
County: Orangeburg Available SF: 258,000 Total SF: 258,000 Total Acres: 326,526 Minimum Acres: 326,526 Sales Price: $7,998,000.00 Lease Price Per SF: $0.00 - $0.00
- Property Type: Industrial Building
- Lat/Long: 33.369878/-80.8370386
- Date Available: 09-28-2022
- Tax Map ID: 0170-00-02-009.000
Physical Characteristics
- Number of Floors: 1
- Acres: 41.50
- Nearby Land Use: Industrial and Residential
Special or Structural Features
- Year Built: 1964; with renovations in 1988
- Clear Height at Center: 26'
- Clear Height at Eaves: 24'
- Column Spacing: 40’ X 40’; 40’ X 20’
- Roof: TPO; Replaced in 2009
- Floors: 6" thick
- Parking: UP TO 300 SPACES
- Lighting: 50% LED; 50% HALOGEN
- Truck Loading: 11 - DOCK LEVEL; 1 - BAY LEVEL
Climate Control and Safety
- Former Commercial Property Use: Former textile mill, currently in use as 3PL warehouse. Tenant to vacate.
- Airport Distances: Columbia Metro: 49.40 miles
- Highway Distance: I-26: 9.2 miles; I-95: 22 miles
- Port Distance: Port of Charleston: 85.10 miles
- Supplier: Dominion Energy
- Supply: 13,200 Volts
Natural Gas
- Supplier: Orangeburg DPU
- Size of Main: 10" Main
- Supplier: Orangeburg DPU
- Size of Main: 8" Main
Waste Water
- Supplier: Orangeburg DPU
- Supplier: AT&T
- Service Description: Voice, internet, cable
Fire Protection
- Supplier: Rowesville