1400 Atlas Rd
1400 Atlas Rd, Columbia, SC, 29209Property Details
County: City of Columbia, Richland Available SF: 23,002 Total SF: 23,002 Lease Price Per SF: $0.00 - $0.00
- Property Type: Industrial Building
- Lease Price Description: Contact Brokers
- Lat/Long: 33.953688/-80.956399
- Date Available: 01-08-2015
- Tax Map ID: R16305-02-01
Physical Characteristics
- Number of Floors: 1
- First Floor SF: 23002
- Warehouse SF: 18,271
- Other SF: 4,124 SF Storage Space
- Acres: 1.22
- Zoning: Light Industrial
- Nearby Land Use: Industrial, Distribution, Commercial
Special or Structural Features
- Year Built: 1978
- Condition: Average
- Clear Height at Center: 25'
- Clear Height at Eaves: 18'
- Roof: Insulated Metal
- Walls: Concrete & Insulated Metal
- Floors: 6" Concrete Slab
- Truck Loading: Warehouse: 1 loading dock, 3 drive-in doors; Storage: 12 drive-in doors
- Additional Information: Portfolio of two buildings: 18,271 SF Warehouse & 4,124 Storage Space.
Climate Control and Safety
- Air Conditioning: None
- Portions Cooled: None
- Heat System: None
- Portions Heated: None
- Airport Distances: Columbia Metro: 11.9 miles; Charlotte International: 99 miles
- Highway Distance: I-77: 1 mile; I-26: 7.2 miles
- Rail Served: Yes
- Railroad Distances: Adjacent to property
- Port Distance: Port of Charleston: 115 miles
- Supplier: Dominion Energy
Natural Gas
- Supplier: Dominion Energy
- Supplier: City of Columbia
- Treatment Capacity: 159.5 MGD
- Average Demand: 60 MGD
Waste Water
- Supplier: City of Columbia
- Treatment Capacity: 68 MGD
- Average Demand: 40 MGD
- Force of Gravity: Gravity
- Supplier: AT&T, Spectrum
- Service Description: Voice, Internet, Cable
Fire Protection
- Supplier: City of Columbia