First Community Bank Call Center
1735 Wilson Rd, Newberry, SC, 29108Property Details
County: Newberry Available SF: 13,400 Total SF: 13,400 Sales Price: $775,000.00 Lease Price Per SF: $0.00 - $0.00
- Property Type: Office Building
- Lat/Long: 34.290402/-81.603503
- Date Available: 03-16-2016
- Tax Map ID: 342-2-2-19
Physical Characteristics
- Maximum Contiguous SF: 13
- Number of Floors: 1
- Warehouse SF: 3,150
- Office SF: 10190
- Other SF: 75% office built out and 25% warehouse
- Floors Available: 1
- Acres: 1.56
- Zoning: Commercial
- Nearby Land Use: Medical, Commercial
Special or Structural Features
- Year Built: 1985
- Condition: Good
- Column Spacing: Column Free
- Roof: Metal
- Parking: 52 parking spaces
- Lighting: Flourescent
- Additional Information: Located directly next to First Community Bank
Climate Control and Safety
- Air Conditioning: HVAC - Lennox forced air units (5)
- Portions Cooled: 100%
- Heat System: HVAC - Lennox forced air units (5)
- Portions Heated: 100%
- Sprinkler Type: Wet
- Sprinkler Coverage: 100%
- On Site Amenities: Full catering kitchen, existing meeting areas, computer server room with auxiliary HVAC capacity
- Former Commercial Property Use: Bank Operations
- Airport Distances: Columbia Metro: 44.6 miles; Greenville Spartanburg International: 61.7 miles; Charlotte International: 96.4 miles
- Highway Distance: I-26: 2.6 miles
- Port Distance: Port of Charleston: 151 miles
- Supplier: Newberry Electric Cooperative
- Supply: 240V 600 amp electrical service
Natural Gas
- Supplier: Clinton Newberry Natural Gas Authority
- Size of Main: 2"
- Distance of Main: Adjacent
- Supplier: City of Newberry
- Size of Main: 12"
- Distance of Main: On-Site
- Treatment Capacity: 8.1 MGD
- Average Demand: 5.5 MGD
Waste Water
- Supplier: City of Newberry
- Size of Main: 8"
- Distance of Main: On-Site
- Treatment Capacity: 5 MGD
- Average Demand: 0.25 MGD
- Force of Gravity: Gravity
- Supplier: AT&T, Spirit Communications
- Service Description: Internet, Cable
Fire Protection
- Supplier: Newberry City Fire Dept
- Fire Insurance Rating: 2