Benedict College Named in $15 Million State-Funded Initiative for Quantum Computing

June 23, 2023

source: Benedict College

Columbia, SC, June 22, 2023, Benedict College is proud to announce that it will participate in a state-funded initiative to position South Carolina as a destination for quantum education, research, and commercialization. Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field comprising aspects of computer science, physics, and mathematics that utilizes quantum mechanics to solve complex problems faster than classical computers.

“Benedict College’s involvement with these projects will empower the next generation of innovators, providing them with a comprehensive and cutting-edge education in quantum computing,” said Dr. Roslyn Clark Artis, President and CEO of Benedict College.

Benedict College will serve as the lead partner for the Quantum Information Science (“QIS”) education program for undergraduates. The College will work with The South Carolina Quantum Association, Clemson University, and several other partners to deploy a QIS curriculum and roadmap based on the learnings of the Q-12 program. The South Carolina roadmap envisions providing a support system that starts with developing QIS interest in high school and supports students from undergraduate studies and on to graduate school. The project will consider how to introduce quantum computing to high school students in engaging ways and how community colleges, technical colleges, and 4-year institutions in the state can work together to promote QIS computing and entrepreneurship.

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