Rhino Medical Supply fulfilling PPE niche | VIDEO

January 25, 2021

source: Columbia Regional Business Report

What Lance Brown doesn’t know can, as the CEO and president of Rhino Medical Supply is rapidly learning, end up helping him.

Nine months ago, Brown was not in the medical supplies distribution business. He was running a credit card processing company, Swype Fast, when he became aware of an increasing need for personal protective equipment throughout South Carolina and across the country.

“When COVID first hit, the supply chain was decimated,” Brown said. “The bigger the state, the bigger the hospital system, the more priority they had. The smaller the state, the smaller the hospital system or health care system, the less priority they had.”

Brown had no experience to speak of in manufacturing and distribution, but he wasn’t dissuaded. In May, he founded Rhino Medical Supply and began coordinating orders for masks and gowns from his garage.

[click to read the full article]

Want to see more? Hear directly from Rhino Medical Supply's CEO and president in this feature interview: